Concepts of Cardinal Relationships in ER Diagrams.

History of ER models

ER diagrams are visual tools that are helpful to represent the ER model. Peter Chen proposed ER Diagram in 1971 to create a uniform convention that can be used for relational databases and networks.

What is a Relational Database:

A relational database means a database in which tables have some relation among themselves.

These relations are developed with the help of keys (primary, foreign, candidate or constraint keys)

Types of Cardinal Relationships among data.

1-One to One

2-One to Many

3-Many to Many

let's take the example of class and students

A class can have many students while a student can have only one class

so here is Many to One relationship.

Let's practice these by reading the below diagram.

A broker can have many transactions but a transaction can have only one broker.

A customer can have many transactions but a transaction can have only one customer

Now let's read the below Erd diagram

a productline can have many products while a product can have only one productline

a product can have many product orders while an order_product can have only one product

a customer can have many orders while an order can have only one customer

a customer can have many payments while a payment can have only one payment

an office can have many employees while an employee can have only one office
